When it comes to support and help, every contribution counts. "There are no small donations!" is a slogan that demonstrates the essence of mutual aid and solidarity. Even the smallest contributions become significant in the context of supporting and helping those who protect our country.

In particular, the Donats for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) reflect this idea. Sometimes it may seem like a small contribution won't make a big difference. However, every donation to the Armed Forces is a step in the direction of supporting the soldiers who tirelessly defend the country, even in the most difficult conditions.

Many small donations form a powerful wave of support. Every hryvnia or dollar contributed to the support funds of the Armed Forces is combined with others, creating an opportunity to provide soldiers with the necessary resources, equipment and support.

Raising funds for the needs of the Armed Forces reflects our gratitude and respect for the military who sacrifice a lot to protect the country. Let each donation be a conscious step towards supporting those who are constantly risking their lives at the front.

Remember: every contribution is help, every donation is a step towards support. All help is important, no matter the size. Together, we form a powerful wave of support and help for those who protect our country!

Let each donation be a conscious contribution to the great cause of supporting the Armed Forces.

There are no small contributions, because each of them is a step towards support, towards victory!