Today we have another challenge - we have received a military truck for conversion into a mobile tire repair workshop. This large mobile tire repair workshop will allow soldiers to quickly and efficiently change and repair tires on their vehicles. This is particularly important for the brave soldiers of the 3rd Separate Azov Assault Brigade in Kyiv who are currently in the thick of it, defending our land from aggressors.

Tire repair is a crucial component of maintaining the combat readiness of military vehicles on the battlefield. Every day, military vehicles are subjected to stresses that can cause wear and tear on their components, including tires. When tires wear out, it can pose a serious safety threat to the soldiers who work on these vehicles.

Therefore, to ensure the maximum level of safety for our military vehicles, we have started a project to create a mobile tire repair workshop. This mobile workshop will provide operational support for military vehicles on the front lines and will quickly restore their combat readiness.

This is especially important for our soldiers who are on the front lines, where they are forced to deal with difficult weather conditions, impassable roads, and heavy loads on their vehicles. In such conditions, tires are the most vulnerable element of military vehicles, and the success of mission execution depends on them.

So, if you want to help our military, please join our project to create a mobile tire repair workshop and help us raise funds for the necessary equipment.