After production and equipping of the mobile auto repair shop based on the Mitsubishi L200 pickup, we conducted a series of tests and field research to verify its functionality and mobility in real conditions at the training grounds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Initially, we tested the repair shop on various types of roads and terrain, including off-road, mountains, forests, and swamps. During the tests, we checked the mobility of the repair shop and its ability to move quickly in any direction. We also checked the performance of all repair systems, such as various power supply systems, compressed air supply system, welding, verified the reliability of the mounting, and much more.

After successfully passing the initial tests, we verified the functionality of the repair shop for repairing military equipment in the field. We organized a simulation of field conditions, where our specialists performed repair work on various types of equipment, including off-road vehicles, trucks, armored vehicles, and others.

During the field research, we verified the operation of all mechanisms and devices of our mobile auto repair shop, which included tire removal and replacement, oil and filter replacement, repair of the braking system and wiring, as well as engine diagnostics and repair.

We checked the operation of all repair systems and noted that all systems worked perfectly, providing quick and effective repair of military equipment in any conditions.

In conclusion, our mobile auto repair shop based on the Mitsubishi L200 pickup successfully passed all tests and field research, confirming its ability to operate in any conditions and provide effective repair of military equipment.